I'm 44, and while I'm no expert, I believe women in their 40's should have a different outlook on dating than those in their younger years. As we age, our priorities change. We reach a point where we no longer have time for "projects." And that includes men who don't have their shit together. At this age a man should be stable, both financially and emotionally. We've invested time and energy building ourselves up and we deserve a partner who has done the same. Once you reach a certain age, you can no longer afford to invest your time and energy into someone who isn't on the same page as you. You've spent years working on yourself and improving your life. You've invested time and money into your education, career, and personal growth. You've learned the importance of taking care of your physical and mental health. So why should you settle for a man who hasn't done the same? A man who has done the work is someone who is emotionally matu...
Have you ever found yourself in a relationship with a man who keeps revisiting his past, unable to detach from his old ways? Do you often feel like your person is not truly committed to growing and evolving themselves? If so, then you might be recycling men! Recycling is when you take an old, outdated thing, and make a new use of it. You don't deserve an outdated man who is stuck in ways. You deserve someone who is continuously evolving and reinventing himself—a man who is letting go of his past, his soul ties, and his youthful mindset. Let's talk about why you deserve better and how to avoid the pitfalls of recycling men who are stuck in their old ways. You deserve a man who is ready and willing to create a completely new version of himself. Someone who is committed to shedding his old ways, letting go of old ties, and breaking free from younger mentalities. You deserve someone who is growing. Recycled men often come with baggage that prevents them from truly evolving. Baggag...